Producer, News Department, Taiwan Public Television Service Foundation
National Winner Taiwan – Best Documentary Programme (One Off)  – Sea Spray

During the 1990s, while environmental awareness in Taiwan was still in its infancy, Chin-yuan Ke launched a one-man mission to survey the current state of Taiwan’s environment. With just a camera and his pen, Ke ultimately produced reams of notes and countless photographs documenting his findings. Ke joined the Public Television Service (PTS) in 1998 as Taiwan’s first investigative filmmaker focused on the environment. Over the past 3 decades, his largely solitary battle against environmental degradation has not only pushed social justice forward but also helped further realize the spirit and values that define PTS’ mission. This year, the Taiwan International Documentary Festival is proud to recognize Chin-yuan Ke with the Festival’s Outstanding Contribution Award. This award both affirms the value of Ke’s contributions throughout his career and reaffirms the true value and mission of the documentary film medium.